Dr Anisha Nanda verified
Dr Anisha Nanda's Tele Clinic

Dr Anisha Nanda verified
Dr Anisha Nanda's Tele Clinic
Dr Anisha Nanda practices at Nemour Medical center,Trivandrum, is an Extremely passionate Pediatric Dentist focused on delivering professional dental care and pain management services. Having done her MDS in Pediatric Dentistry, she has the expertise in optimal patient care, Pediatric endodontics and preventive procedures, child psychology, behavior management and more. Specialties include preventive dental care, pediatric endodontic procedures, and behavior managements, management of traumatic dental injuries, oral habit and diet counseling. Personal Motto To provide patients with the highest quality healthcare, dedicated to the newest advancements and keep up-to-date with the latest health care technologies. Medical Qualification MDS- Master of Dental Surgery in Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry | Rajiv Gandhi University of health sciences, Karnataka BDS- Bachelor of Dental Surgery | Rajiv Gandhi University of health sciences, Karnataka Publications 1. Kumar V, Nanda A, Kalele K, Amrutha R, Kuniyil SM, Babu A. Oral capillary hemangioma in a ten year old female child with hepatitis B treated with monopolar electrocautery. J Family Med Prim Care 2022;11:5679-82. 2. Kumar V, Nanda A, Bhat KH, Ashrit P, Babu A, Shakir MK. Urease activity in saliva and plaque as endogenous protection against dental caries in institutionalized blind children. J Nat Sc Biol Med 2021;12:109-12. 3. Kumar V, Shakir MK, Koppalkar RR, Nanda A, Karthika B, Babu A, et al. Presurgical nasoalveolar molding therapy in cleft lip palate infant: A successful case report. J Nat Sc Biol Med 2021;12:263-7. 4. Ramagoni NK, Kuniyil SM, Kumar V, Babu A, Nanda A. A three dimensional finite element analysis of fiber post and dentin post in permanent maxillary central incisors: An in-vitro study. Int J Oral Health Dent 2021;7(1):29-32. 5. Kumar V, Babu A, Bhat KH, Ashrit P, Nanda A, Shakir MK. Correlations of oral bacterial urea catabolism with caries experience in normal weight children and underweight children. J Nat Sc Biol Med 2021;12:113-6. Hospital/ Clinic 1. NEMOUR Medical centre , Trivandrum Kerala – 695017 2. COMFORT CARE DENTAL, Oppo. KSRTC Bus Depot, Padmam Plaza, Trivandrum Kerala – 695018
my_location NEMOUR Medical centre , Trivandrum Kerala – 695017 +91 73562 88994