Ms Anjana Ramesh Chandran verified
Ms Anjana's Tele Clinic

Ms Anjana Ramesh Chandran verified
Ms Anjana's Tele Clinic
An audiologist with 11 years working experience. Completed Bachelor's in Audiology and speech language pathology from Dr. S. R chandrashekhar institute of speech amd hearing, bangalor Current position: Consultant audiologist and speech language pathologist sense 3 ENT clinics, chalakudy Work experiences 15/07/2011 to 06/04/2013 Sree narayana institute of medical sciences, Ernakulam, kerala, India Designation:Audiologist and speech language pathologist 15/04/2013 to 31/03/2016 Lourdes Hospital(NABH accredited), Ernakulam, Kerala, india Designation Audiologist and speech language pathologist O2/05/2016 to 28/09/2017 Child care center, Ernakulam, kerala, India Designation Audiologist and speech language pathologist AREA OF INTEREST: Diagnostic audiology, rehabilitation audiology and childhood language disorders Expert in diagnosis and rehabilitation of patients with speech and hearing disorders and Hearing aid fitting.
my_location Sense 3 ENT clinics, chalakudy