Dr Georgy K Ninan verified
Nephrology (Kidney Diseases)
Dr Georgy K Ninan's Tele Clinic

Dr Georgy K Ninan verified
Nephrology (Kidney Diseases)
Dr Georgy K Ninan's Tele Clinic
Dr. Georgy K Nainan is a leading Senior Consultant Nephrologist practicing at Cochin for the last 37 years. He has been awarded fellow of the Indian Society of the Nephrology (FISN) and fellow of the Royal college of Physicians, Glasgow (FRCP). ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS * FRCP – Fellow of Royal College of Physicians (FRCP- 2010) * FISN-Fellow Indian Society of Nephrology (2005) * Has presented several papers in State, National and International conferences * Has organized several State, Zonal and National conferences * Was the Organizing Secretary for 36th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Nephrology(ISNCON2005) * Organising Secretary of LeptoCON 2009, VIth Scientific Meeting of International Leptospirosis Society. * Course Director of Nephrology 2010 – CME in Basic and Advanced Nephrology EXPERIENCE * Managed more than 1600 renal transplants in the last 30 years with good graft and patient survival * Established good maintenance dialysis programme in peripheral hospitals using online facilities * Managed 66 Cadaver transplants through KNOS (Kerala Network of Organ Sharing) as a single unit with good graft and patient survival * Supervising @2000 dialysis per month * Actively involved in charity and philanthropic work and is the president of Cochin Kidney Foundation (CKF) MEMBERSHIP * Indian Society of Nephrology (ISN) * Indian Society of Nephrology – Southern Chapter (ISN-SC) * Indian Medical Association * Critical Care Society of India * International Leptospirosis Society (ILS) * Nephrology Association of Kerala (NAK) * National Academy of Medical Science
my_location Cochin Kidney Centre West of G.C.D.A Office, S.A. Road, Cochin, Kerala State (India )