Dr Rishad N M verified



Dr Rishad N M's Tele Clinic


Dr Rishad N M verified



Dr Rishad N M's Tele Clinic

Dr. Rishad N M is a distinguished Homeopathic practitioner with a strong foundation in holistic medicine and psychological counseling. He holds a Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery (BHMS) from the esteemed Bhagawan Budha Homeopathic Medical College in Bangalore, where he gained comprehensive knowledge and expertise in the principles and practices of Homeopathy. In addition to his BHMS degree, Dr. Rishad N M has furthered his skills with a Certification in Psychological Counselling (CCP), enabling him to integrate psychological well-being into his homeopathic treatments. His approach is characterized by a deep understanding of the mind-body connection, which allows him to offer personalized care that addresses both the physical and emotional health of his patients. Based in Myladi, Eranhimangad PO, Nilambur, Malappuram, Dr. Rishad N M is dedicated to serving his community by providing compassionate and effective homeopathic care. His commitment to improving the lives of his patients through natural and holistic methods has earned him a reputation for excellence in the field of Homeopathy.

my_location Neelangadan house, Myladi, Eranhimangad P.O., NILAMBUR, Malappuram Pin - 679329

Dr Rishad N M's Tele Clinic

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