Dr Shiti Bose verified
Dr Shiti Bose's Tele Clinic

Dr Shiti Bose verified
Dr Shiti Bose's Tele Clinic
Dr. Shiti Bose is a Dermatovenereologist, Dermatologist and Aesthetic Dermatologist and has an experience of 8 years in these fields. She completed MD - Dermatology from Christian Medical College, Ludhiana in 2016 and MBBS from Christian Medical College, Ludhiana in 2009. MD Gold medalist in university. 11 publications . Reviewer of international Journal of Dermatology and Clinical and experimental Dermatology journal . Member of IADVL, ACSI. She is a member of IADVL. Some of the services provided by the doctor are: Chemical Peel,Skin Biopsy,Electrocauterization,Acne/ Pimple Scars Treatment and Skin Rash Treatment etc. EXPERTISE: Medical dermatology, Pediatric dermatology, cosmetology, antiageing therapy, vitiligo medical and surgical treatment, pigmentary disorders, facial rejuvenation, acne scar surgeries, scar revision, hair and nail disorders. DOCTOR'S EXPERIENCE *Post graduate of Christian Medical College, Ludhiana , 2013-2016 *Senior Residency done at St Stephen's Hospital, Delhi (Gurgaon branch of St Stephen's) *Presently working as a consultant at City Hospital, Cochin MEMBERSHIPS & CERTIFICATIONS *Member of IADVL (Indian Association of Dermatologist, venereologist, Leprologist) *Member of Cochin Dermatological Society *Member of Royal College of Physicians, UK *Awards & Accomplishments *University Gold Medalist – MD Dermatology *1st prize for Paper presentation - 2nd Chrismeds Annual Research and Education Symposium (CARES 2016) *2nd prize for MBBS, CMC, Ludhiana PUBLICATIONS *1 National and 2 International publications. *A clinical study of dermatoses in early Neonatal period. A study from North-west Punjab (Published in Indian Journal of Pediatric Dermatology March 2018) *Aplasia cutis congenita with ectopic Mongolian spot in a child of a patient with multiple sclerosis. A rare case report (clinics in mother and child heath, June 2018) *Zosteriform lichen Planus – A rare case report (Journal of clinical and experimental dermatology research, May 2018)
my_location City Hospital, MG Road, Ernakulam